Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Conference and Pumpkins!!

Those two words sum up the events of the weekend!

On Saturday our friends the Scotts (rad lds neighbors, originally from No Cal) invited us to go to a place called Anderson Farms to get pumpkins, ride rides, see a petting zoo... etc! We had a great time. They even had a corn maze, but it started to rain and our kids were a little fussy after a couple of hours of fun. We actually got to ride behind a tractor and go to the pumpkin patch. We even got to pull the pumpkins off the vine.
Isn't Brandt such a babe?!

Our friends the Scotts! Rick, Aidan, Kellen, Jyll and snuggled up close to his mommy....Curren.
We watched a lot of conference and chilled in our pj's for most of the day on Sunday. Great weekend!
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The Ball Family said...

Looks like you had a great weekend! I just love taking my kids to the pumpkin patch each year!

Williamson Fam said...

I love how in this first picture tanner is holding himself like he has to go pee, or maybe he's just excited, i do that to when i get excited...

Rhonda said...

Oh how sad because I remember when your mom and I used to take all you kids to the pumpkin patch... Conference was awesome!

smartquacker said...

Your kids are just adorable. Looks like you all had a fun time at the pumpkin patch. Tell Brent his Cousin Brit from AZ says hi.

Jyll said...

Your friends sound like a pretty cool family. How could they not be...they're from Nor Cal! Ha, ha. Glad you came with us!